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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Photo:Inspirational Moments

 I took this photo on Lake Windermere last summer (near Chapleau Ontario Canada) and selected it for Motivational Moments because of its reflective mood.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Expecting life to treat you fairly because ...

Expecting life to treat you fairly because you're a nice person is like expecting bull not to charge you because you're a vegetarian.

Cartoon: Invest in Your Own Well Being

Can We Motivate Others?

"No one can motivate anyone to do anything. All we can do is to give them the incentive to motivate themselves." Mike Moore

The Greatest Gifts We Can Give

This is from my book " Embracing the Mystery"

"The greatest gifts we can give one another are the gifts of time, attention and laughter." M. Moore

Leadership is a Laughing Matter

"Effective leaders must be able to laugh at themselves. If they don't they leave the job to someone else.When they do they tell the world that they have accepted themslelves as being human." M.Moore